Outsource your print advertising program

Totally outsourcing your print advertising is not as far-fetched as you may think.

AdMaster™ refines the listing selection to an automated process governed by your rules for advertising inclusion, your visual format, and your pre-determined ad space.

Your company determines its own guidelines that describe where a particular listing is advertised and how often. The criteria are usually determined by a listing's status and location as well as the level of importance of each publication that serves a particular area.

Once the guidelines are determined, DBA selects the specific properties to be placed in each publication on an ongoing basis. New listings get added into the mix right up to the publication deadline, and listings that go off market are replaced.

Flexibility is built in. Admins still have the on-system ability to alter those choices to fulfill specific advertising commitments that may fall outside the rules-based rotation.

Admaster™ - Print ad outsourcing
  • Automated ad selection by the DBA staff
  • Based on listing status, location, print media service area
  • Completely hands-off print program